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User’s Privacy Protection

1. Users are regarded as an anonymous community chatting, we will monitor events as users in chat rooms, but will not manually check up on users through the system.  Users will have to enter Sina to chat, but their IP addresses will not be made public.
2. We will not give up users’ chatting records, and their information, unless we must, in accordance with the government or government like entities.
3. We will go through and analyze users’ registration information as an anonymous whole,but will not manually go through any single user’s information.  Moreover, we will not reveal any user’s IP address to any third party.
4. Sina does not offer any of the users’ information to any third party.  Under necessary circumstances (Sina withholds the right to define necessary circumstances) Sina may share with a third party the users’ information from woocall.
5. Sina does not offer any information about any user’s conduct to any third party.  Under necessary circumstances (Sina withholds the right to define necessary circumstances) Sina may share with a third party information about a user’s conduct.
6. Sina maybe forced to offer up users’ information in accordance with the law, or out of moral obligation, if this action is deemed justified or necessary:
• In accordance with the law or the code of conduct for Sina’s procedures.
• To protect the users of Sina their rights.
• Under special circumstances, to protect personal rights of Sina’s users or the overall welfare of the public.

Business Partner’s Privacy Protection

1. Before Sina has acquired the permission of its partner, Sina may not release any information about said partner to any third party unless it is a government like entity.
2. Before Sina has acquired the permission of its partner, Sina may not release any action information about said partner to any third party unless it is a government like entity.
3. Sina maybe forced to offer up personal information in accordance with the law, or out of moral obligation, if this action is deemed justified or necessary:
• In accordance with the law or the code of conduct for Sina’s procedures.
• To protect the users of Sina their rights.
• Under special circumstances, to protect personal rights of Sina’s users or the overall welfare of the public.

Any translation of this Privacy Statement is done for local requirements and in the event of a dispute between the Chinese and any non-Chinese versions, the Chinese version of Code of Conduct shall govern.

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