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Homepage >Applying Woocall > Advantages |
A revolutionary way to communicate |
By combining chatting and web surfing together, allowing the users on your website to chat, so web surfing will no longer be a solo activity. |
Increasing the communication on websites |
Will increase communication, increase traffic to your website, increase the time people stay at your website, and increase the quality of your site overall. |
Common topic |
Viewers who visit your web site have similar interests, ideas and opinions. Woocall allows them to share their opinion and observe the opinion of others. |
Installation is simple |
There is no need to any software installation, instead all you need to do is add a row of script into your existing web page, and it will not change the speed at which your site operates. |
Works fantastic |
Easy to use, no need to learn any thing new, and all your visitors can use it! |