woocall  sina
Homepage >Applying Woocall > How To
How to use it

1.Use a web construction tool to open up the scripts of the website that you want to install Woocall on, in this case we will use Dreamweaver as an example.

2.Inside the Dreamweaver window we can see the scripts for the original website, scroll on the way down to </body>.
4.Finally saving your work, you will find on your website the trace of Woocall.

5.If after completing all of the previous steps, you cannot get the application to work, please contact us.
Advanced options
1.Change woocall's application display position
Normally Woocall is displayed on the right side of the window, if you want to change it so it displays on the left side, insert the following script.

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">

After entering the script it should look like this.

2.Combine all different Woocalls on different web pages into one chat room.
If you want to combine different pages’ chat rooms into one, Woocall can satisfy your request.  When you add Woocall to a certain webpage, the URL that Woocall is given is the only one that it will construct a website on.  Say if you want to combine the chat rooms on the web pages of http://sports.sina.com.cn/global/ and http://sports.sina.com.cn/ because the viewers of these two pages have the same stuff to talk about, then simply enter the script below.

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">

The 26 after URLCutCharLen signifies that Woocall will construct a chat room at the web page that has the first 26 letters and symbols of the URL.  Since the first 26 letters of http://sports.sina.com.cn/global/ is http://sports.sina.com.cn/ , those who visit either of the two websites will be led to a website on the http://sports.sina.com.cn/.

Here’s what it looks like.
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